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Privacy Policy

When you sign up to Freesponder we automatically record your IP address, as well as the information that you submit on our registration form. If required by law, we will share this information with the correct authorities. But aside of that, we do not share your information with anybody.

When you make your payment, your order is processed on a secure server. We do not have any access to your payment information. All of our services are sold via or PayPal

We receive from ClickBank/PayPal (and store on our server) the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your receipt number
  • The affiliate ID of the link owner through which you placed your order (if appropriate)

We also receive from ClickBank/PayPal the following information, which we do not store:

  • Your city/state and country

We respect your privacy and never share your details with any third party. If you cancel your account your information is removed from our servers.

Everything that you enter into our system while setting up your campaigns is stored on a secure server.






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